Tag Archives: Ubuntu

爱普生ME-30的Linux驱动, Using Epson ME-30 in Linux (Driver!)

Ubuntu下自动找到的驱动没用, 一切运行行云流水, 提示”processing”有模有样, 打印机也动, 灯还闪, 但是就是不进纸 -_,-

搜了一下在这里下到驱动, 有For Ubuntu 8.04的, 我目前是10.10测试OK, 唯一要注意的是安装结束提示是否设置成默认打印机, 勾选也没用, 自己手动设置一下

Every time I want to use this stupid thing it causes so much trouble
Ubuntu can find driver for it automatically which doesn’t work. Everything went fine, I was notified printing is “Processing”, and the printer also made sounds with its LED blinking, except that the paper wouldn’t go in XD

So I googled and found driver HERE. Have one for Ubuntu 8.04 (I’m 10.10 and it works fine to me). The only thing you should notice is that when the installing ends it asks whether to set ME30 to be default printer, which doesn’t work even you check it. So set it manually.

Okay… There is an issue when I tried to print images.
1. Can’t print photo, maybe too complex to render…
2. simple image can be printed, like THIS, but the color is.. not only distorted, also like toxic..

1. 照片打印不能, 可能对于这个驱动来说渲染这么复杂的东西让它不堪重负..
2. 简单的图片可以印出来, 比如这个,  但是颜色不仅失真了而且像中毒了一样..花里糊哨的

[SOLVED] pppoe connection automatically terminated after a few minutes

I’m using Ubuntu Lucia in dorm, the network always automatically disconnected  after a few minutes like:

root@VanXL:/etc/ppp/peers# plog
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: Connect: ppp3 <–> wlan0
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: Remote message: Authentication success,Welcome!
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: PAP authentication succeeded
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: peer from calling number 00:18:82:60:CA:A5 authorized
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: not replacing existing default route through ppp1
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: local  IP address
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: remote IP address
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: primary   DNS address
May 19 13:30:53 VanXL pppd[3087]: secondary DNS address
root@VanXL:/etc/ppp/peers# plog
May 19 13:31:08 VanXL pppd[1996]: remote IP address
May 19 13:31:08 VanXL pppd[1996]: primary   DNS address
May 19 13:31:08 VanXL pppd[1996]: secondary DNS address
May 19 13:31:20 VanXL pppd[2716]: No response to 4 echo-requests
May 19 13:31:20 VanXL pppd[2716]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
May 19 13:31:20 VanXL pppd[2716]: Connect time 3.5 minutes.
May 19 13:31:20 VanXL pppd[2716]: Sent 11128 bytes, received 10199 bytes.
May 19 13:31:27 VanXL pppd[2716]: Connection terminated.
May 19 13:31:27 VanXL pppd[2716]: Modem hangup

Network works fine when i use ChinaNet so i didn’t suppose this to be a hardware (or driver) problem.

and i noticed the “4 echo-request”. after googling, this appears to be a bug.

The other side of the PPP link probably dosen’t support LCP echo. You often see this with cellphone / cellular data card PPPoE implementations.

Put this line in the relevent ppp options file and try again:
lcp-echo-interval 0


Also you can completely disable this in /etc/ppp/options (search “echo”) if you find it worth nothing like me 😉

The network works perfectly now

东芝T110 征服屏幕亮度

按照上一篇日志中的方法来的, 开始怎么都不成功, 然后对grub2进行了一些探索.. (文档 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 )我的机器上好像有bug, 无论如何update-grub都无法更新\boot\grub\grub.cfg. 这个问题是我试图更新kernel的时候发现的. 也可能是我kernel没有编译好, 但是怎么会在/etc/default/grub里加指令也不更新grub.cfg呢.. 还是觉得是bug

我的方法写在了 http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8767786#post8767786 这个贴子的17楼
Gnome和KDE都能完美工作~ =D



关键字: 东芝 T110 T115 Ubuntu 乌邦图 死机

Google进来的同学们.. 你们太走运了 你们不知道这篇文档给你们省去多少麻烦..
这个机器安装或者进入Ubuntu的时候会出现Kernel Panic

[17.529523] Kernel panic – not syncing: HwThreeWire(): CmdReg: 0XFF RE|WE bits are not clear!!
[17.544365][drm:intelfb_panic] *ERROR* panic occurred, switching back to text console

我Google到了这篇帖子, 和我的机型一样, 问题一样, 并且只有这一个类似结果, 看来东芝是罪魁祸首 (也因为这型号太新了不好兼容), 死机原因是WLAN卡的驱动. 目前还没有找到不会导致Kernel panic的驱动, 他用的是方案是 ndiswrapper + the MSI version of the Windows Driver , Ndiswrapper的用处是在linux下使用Windows的网卡驱动


首先要在BIOS下把WIFI禁用掉, 就可以成功安装进入系统了. 然后在 /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist 文件底部加上blacklist rtl8187se 阻止系统使用自带驱动(一用就崩溃).

然后安装ndiswrapper, 不要用apt-get, 有BUG, 请自己下载source来编译.. 详见我的这个帖子(4楼)
引用一下吧 防止丢了..

这是个BUG, [url=http://www.societyofrobots.com/robotforum/index.php?topic=9813.0]这个帖子[/url]的二楼提出了修复此bug的办法

[quote]Well, I fixed the ndiswrapper problem. Turns out to be a bug in the software.
open ntoskernel.h file inside ndiswrapper-1.55/driver and then change the line 878 as follows (31 is changed to 32)
old line:
new line:


有的同学说 你为什么不直接apt-get呢, 答案是, 直接编译的版本也有bug.. 我试了, 在[url=https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper]这篇文档[/url]的2.2.1下面有声明.. 不创建kernel模块, 会导致error FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found when you run modprobe ndiswrapper

装好以后加载上面的那个驱动(ndiswrapper如何使用详见Ubuntu官网的文档) 接着 reboot 再
depmod -a && modprobe ndiswrapper

WPA貌似不能用, WEP我还没试出来… 但是看人家说的可以用WEP

1) 每次开机前先用ndiswrapper加载驱动(必须)
2) sudo rmmod ndiswrapper
3) sudo modprobe rtl8187se

这样就可以用自带驱动了, 很邪门, 但是为什么呢? 作者表示 “Don’t ask me why this works, it just does.”

下面要解决的问题是.. 屏幕亮度不能调, 插耳机外放不关.. 全是驱动问题..天啊


环境是KDEdesktop (好像和这个有点关系 以前也是) 原来怎么都连不上 换了上面那个驱动以后完美运行 WPA无误~~ ^^

rmmod ndis/modprobe rtl以后也无误运行 真不错啊 lucky~ (呸)

看到KDE觉得这才是Ubuntu啊.. ghone(是叫这个么) 太丑太难用了..菜B     KDE大虎逼!