Category Archives: Fluid

Asher’s Slime (Tokyo Update)

You sent your trusty minion into the nearby human city to gather intel. But it’s summer.. keeping that slime hydrated is a serious commitment

Posting on my own website two days too late. Look what social media has done to my brain >:| Super overwhelmed by the awesome feedback I’m getting from everywhere. Didn’t expect the video to explode like a firework show.

Darkhold of Niagara

Spent many deep nights from the past month to write about all my tricks and sorceries for fluid simulation.
80lv interview:

If you don’t read, someone else who did can instakill you.

2. Let’s start by introducing Niagara Fluids? Could you explain the toolkit to beginners? What does it do? What are the main features?

For starters, Niagara Fluids includes templates for fire, smoke, pools of water, splashes and shallow water. It’s UE5’s answer to fluid simulation. 

Niagara is the most robust, artist-friendly GPU programming framework for video games (or for anything, really). Niagara Fluids is basically a DLC that makes fluid related stuff much easier.

Main features:
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Spark and Spree – Update on my Slime game

Forgot to upload a couple of videos here recently. Centralization is eating me alive 🙁
But my blog is always my favorite place on the entire Internet. You know you are old when writing to a plain interface gives you nostalgia 😗

Anyway here is the video and I will come back to write a breakdown when I’m not totally exhausted.
May 2022 Update: Too busy =_=


『有点相关的Unreal Circle演讲』





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