Category Archives: Slime

Asher’s Slime (Tokyo Update)

You sent your trusty minion into the nearby human city to gather intel. But it’s summer.. keeping that slime hydrated is a serious commitment

Posting on my own website two days too late. Look what social media has done to my brain >:| Super overwhelmed by the awesome feedback I’m getting from everywhere. Didn’t expect the video to explode like a firework show.

Spark and Spree – Update on my Slime game

Forgot to upload a couple of videos here recently. Centralization is eating me alive 🙁
But my blog is always my favorite place on the entire Internet. You know you are old when writing to a plain interface gives you nostalgia 😗

Anyway here is the video and I will come back to write a breakdown when I’m not totally exhausted.
May 2022 Update: Too busy =_=