I used Skanect to scan my room down. The .ply file generated is like this:
0.614557 -0.0194625 -0.305274 -0.127814 -0.551592 0.824263 100 113 96
0.614418 -0.019946 -0.305417 -0.127814 -0.551592 0.824263 98 111 96
0.61429 0.00103368 -0.303381 0.0386538 -0.603242 0.796621 104 107 95
0.614557 -0.0194625 -0.305274 -0.127814 -0.551592 0.824263 100 113 96
0.614418 -0.019946 -0.305417 -0.127814 -0.551592 0.824263 98 111 96
0.61429 0.00103368 -0.303381 0.0386538 -0.603242 0.796621 104 107 95
9 columns are x, y, z, xn(normal), yn, zn, r, g, b.
Took me a while to make it work because I didn’t know shit about Python itself or Maya Python. So if you’re in fog too I present you Python functions for Maya.
Attributes have types, I forgot because Python fed me honey on this one. Stuck for a day.
emit() is buggy, it crashed the soul out of me when I used at=’rgbPP’ , use setParticleAttr() instead
Important, after importing, do ‘set current state to initial state’ and cache the first frame, otherwise the color will be gone next time you start it, this is some bullshit.
To hide part of the point cloud, select and cmds.setParticleAttr(at=’opacityPP’, fv=0).
## Maya Point Cloud (.xyz) Importer ## Format: X Y Z ,a ,a a, R, G, B for every line ## Page: http://axlarts.com/?p=1923 from maya import cmds RES=100 # Only draw one particle for every RES lines in the file, # in case of huge cloud but only need reference in the scene. path=cmds.fileDialog2(ds=2,fm=1)[0] f0=open(path) n=0; pn=0 p0=cmds.nParticle()[1] cmds.setAttr(p0+'.isDynamic',0) cmds.addAttr(p0,ln='rgbPP',dt='vectorArray') while 1: line=f0.readline().split(' ') n+=1 if line[0]=='': break if n%10000==0: print "%d lines %d particles\n" % (n, pn) if n%RES!=0: continue rotted=False xyz=[] for doll in line: try: dollF=float(doll) except ValueError: rotted=True print '(Warning) Invalid value %s in line%d: %s' % (doll,n,line) break xyz.append(dollF) if len(line)!=9: rotted=True if rotted: continue for a in range(6,9): #Just because it's x y z bla bla bla r g b in my case xyz[a]/=255 cmds.emit(object=p0,position=xyz[:3]) cmds.select(p0+'.pt['+str(pn)+']') cmds.setParticleAttr(at='rgbPP', vv=xyz[6:9]) pn+=1
Additional Python script to import particles, using only the first 3 numbers everyline as x,y,z and ignoring others.
There surely is way to make this more compatible but that’s too much effort..
## Maya Point Cloud (.xyz) Importer ## Format: X Y Z for every line ## Page: http://axlarts.com/?p=1923 from maya import cmds RES=1 # Only draw one particle for every RES lines in the file, # in case of huge cloud but only need reference in the scene. path=cmds.fileDialog2(ds=2,fm=1)[0] f0=open(path) n=0; pn=0 p0=cmds.nParticle()[1] cmds.setAttr(p0+'.isDynamic',0) cmds.addAttr(p0,ln='rgbPP',dt='vectorArray') while 1: line=f0.readline().split(' ') n+=1 if line[0]=='': break if n%10000==0: print "%d lines %d particles\n" % (n, pn) if n%RES!=0: continue rotted=False xyz=[] for doll in line: try: dollF=float(doll) except ValueError: rotted=True print '(Warning) Invalid value %s in line%d: %s' % (doll,n,line) break xyz.append(dollF) if len(line)<3: rotted=True if rotted: continue cmds.emit(object=p0,position=xyz[:3]) pn+=1
9行分别是 x, y, z, xn, yn, zn, r, g, b,xn是normal方向。
搜到这里的同学估计和我半斤八两,所以我present你Maya Python函数表
emit()函数有bug,直接 at=‘rgbPP’ 的话会崩溃,要用setParticleAttr()
5/1/2013 Update:
导入以后要先set current state to initial state 然后存下首帧cache,不然颜色会丢掉。
不要的部分可以选中然后 cmds.setParticleAttr(at=’opacityPP’, fv=0) 隐藏。
## Maya Point Cloud (.xyz) Importer ## Format: X Y Z ,a ,a a, R, G, B for every line ## Page: http://axlarts.com/?p=1923 from maya import cmds RES=100 # Only draw one particle for every RES lines in the file, # in case of huge cloud but only need reference in the scene. path=cmds.fileDialog2(ds=2,fm=1)[0] f0=open(path) n=0; pn=0 p0=cmds.nParticle()[1] cmds.setAttr(p0+'.isDynamic',0) cmds.addAttr(p0,ln='rgbPP',dt='vectorArray') while 1: line=f0.readline().split(' ') n+=1 if line[0]=='': break if n%10000==0: print "%d lines %d particles\n" % (n, pn) if n%RES!=0: continue rotted=False xyz=[] for doll in line: try: dollF=float(doll) except ValueError: rotted=True print '(Warning) Invalid value %s in line%d: %s' % (doll,n,line) break xyz.append(dollF) if len(line)!=9: rotted=True if rotted: continue for a in range(6,9): #Just because it's x y z bla bla bla r g b in my case xyz[a]/=255 cmds.emit(object=p0,position=xyz[:3]) cmds.select(p0+'.pt['+str(pn)+']') cmds.setParticleAttr(at='rgbPP', vv=xyz[6:9]) pn+=1
## Maya Point Cloud (.xyz) Importer ## Format: X Y Z for every line ## Page: http://axlarts.com/?p=1923 from maya import cmds RES=1 # Only draw one particle for every RES lines in the file, # in case of huge cloud but only need reference in the scene. path=cmds.fileDialog2(ds=2,fm=1)[0] f0=open(path) n=0; pn=0 p0=cmds.nParticle()[1] cmds.setAttr(p0+'.isDynamic',0) cmds.addAttr(p0,ln='rgbPP',dt='vectorArray') while 1: line=f0.readline().split(' ') n+=1 if line[0]=='': break if n%10000==0: print "%d lines %d particles\n" % (n, pn) if n%RES!=0: continue rotted=False xyz=[] for doll in line: try: dollF=float(doll) except ValueError: rotted=True print '(Warning) Invalid value %s in line%d: %s' % (doll,n,line) break xyz.append(dollF) if len(line)<3: rotted=True if rotted: continue cmds.emit(object=p0,position=xyz[:3]) pn+=1
I’m looking to import xyz point cloud but i have just 3
columns for the point….
What does it change in your script to import my file.
This was for my particular usage but I’ve modified a little to make it work for you. See the end of article.
I only tested it with 5 hand-written particles so let me know if it’s good 😀
looks great, how do i specify the location of the data set in the script
(very little python know how)
A window will pop up to locate the file.
See cmds.fileDialog2()
I know, nextgen programming indeed.
If you mean how to embed the path in the script itself, you can do
will work too.
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very interesting but I could not make it works.
“error: invalid syntax”
>maya 2017
for those who got problems with using the script, there are typo errors on line 26 for the first script and lines 25 and 39 for the second one.
the " shoud be replaced by real quotes, and the < shoud be replace by the < sign.
my precedent message has been interpreted :
so the & quot ; should be replaced by ‘
and the & lt; should be replace by <