无意看到的题目.. 因为是中文的就猫了一眼, 觉得挺水就做做, 结果一做就是一下午.. NOI还有点名堂
开始觉得就是博弈+简单DP, 右图每一个格子 (a, b) , 玩家一次取石子以后能变成的状态是 (a-i, b) , (a, b-i) , 或者 (a-i, b-i) , 只要路线上存在lose, 赋值为win, 否则赋值lose. 整个表格是对称的. 自底向上DP就可以解决.
然后看了discuss, 存在O(1) 的算法..
Beatty sequence Wiki 讲解 , 看一下就了了..
The positive irrational number
generates the Beatty sequence
is also a positive irrational number. They naturally satisfy
and the sequences
form a pair of complementary Beatty sequences.
For r = the golden mean, we have s = r + 1. In this case, the sequence
, known as the lower Wythoff sequence, is
and the complementary sequence
, the upper Wythoff sequence, is
上下两个数列整好组成 lose 状态的坐标 (1,2) (3,5) (4,7) … 至于为什么等我有空会思考update一下 =D 好神奇阿
其中r是黄金分割律, 即 (1+sqrt(5))/2
其中x属于[0,1) , 先求出n再判断m/r是否在等式右边的区间里即可. 再返回n判断输入的b是否在二队列中相应的位置
#include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include <algorithm> //return num in Beatty sequence(r=golden mean), -1 if not belong to int Br(int m) { static const double P=(1+sqrt(5.0))/2; double foo=m/P; int n=(int)foo; if(foo-n>0.999999) n++; n++; if(foo>(n-1/P)) return n; else return -1; } int main() { int a,b; while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF) { if(a>b) std::swap(a,b); int foo=Br(a); bool win=true; if(foo!=-1) if(a+foo==b) win=false; if(win) printf("1\n"); else printf("0\n"); } return 0; }