暴力调整Oculus Rift的瞳距设置

A ruthless way to modify your Oculus Rift’s IPD (Interpupillary Distance)

TL;DR: Pictures say it all.

IPD (interpupillary distance) is basically the distance between the center of your two eyeballs. The average value is 63mm~65mm, which Oculus Rift DK is designed for(64mm). If yours is too wide or narrow beyond that you’ll notice how the image in Rift doesn’t focus too well horizontally, which is uncomfortable and may lead to sickness.

My IPD is extremely wide, 72mm (please, I’m still handsome). After a while’s use I knew this is not something I can just ignore so I did some research. The problem turned out to be pretty common, this post shows plastic adapters user bwhill designed to adjust the IPD to specified value. But he’s only selling 3D-printed products not sharing or selling the blueprint and it’s too much of a wait to ship to china. So I penned a few lines and plugged in my heat knife, it’s not pretty but it had the job done.

瞳距(IPD, Interpupillary Distance) 是两个眼球中心的距离。Oculus Rift目前唯一的版本是针对平均值6.3-6.5厘米设计的并且不能改变,如果你的瞳距过宽或窄,透过镜片的光在水平方向上将不能准确对焦,从而引起不适或者恶心等等情况。

我的是7.2cm,虽然并没有因此长得奇葩,但用oculus确实会有点糊,google后发现这个帖子在卖调整IPD用的塑料圈,但是没有放出图纸(3D打印的)太远也不想付两百邮费。最后用电烙铁的刀片头解决了问题.. 虽然很丑。

Why this is viable:

1. The damage is mild and recoverable if you decide later that a hole on it is just too much .
2. It doesn’t affect the normal insert-lock-in-place function.
3. It works two-way, you can either wide or narrow the lens with just one hole, amazing.
4. Hot glue is cool, and if you didn’t run out of duct tape you can be even cooler.

Possible cons:

1. Dust leak?
2. Changing lens frequently would be a hassel.

So yeah it turned out to be better than I expected. The experience is much, much more immersing. I didn’t feel anything while moving fast before, after this mod I had some happy adrenaline going when I run. Not to mention my eyes feel more comfortable and no more sickness (this one doesn’t count as I haven’t used for hours before writing this in excitement). The result should differ from person to person, but if you have extreme IPD I highly recommend you to do something about it, either buy the adjuster or cut it open. Personally it’s one of the most rewarding and cost efficient thing I’ve done this year, it extracted another 50% of the Rift.为什么这个看上去很揪心其实可行:
1. 洞可以补上的,大概..
2. 变异过后仍然可以使用原来的卡口。
3. 开一个洞,就可以双向调整(变窄或变宽),只要一个洞有没有。
4. 虽说不能用热熔胶解决的问题都是因为你不够努力,但如果你有布基胶带的话看上去会更加炫酷。

1. 灰尘?我用了一段时间发现还好
2. 给别人用的话需要拆装,非常麻烦。


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