Made this to learn mql4, while filling some of my needs for the flexibility of Market Profile.
Funny story: Any form of debugger is absolutely non-existed. I had to write debug output for every function.
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Oculus Rift + No More Room In Hell,虚拟现实第一人称观光
暴力调整Oculus Rift的瞳距设置
A ruthless way to modify your Oculus Rift’s IPD (Interpupillary Distance)
TL;DR: Pictures say it all.
IPD (interpupillary distance) is basically the distance between the center of your two eyeballs. The average value is 63mm~65mm, which Oculus Rift DK is designed for(64mm). If yours is too wide or narrow beyond that you’ll notice how the image in Rift doesn’t focus too well horizontally, which is uncomfortable and may lead to sickness.
My IPD is extremely wide, 72mm (please, I’m still handsome). After a while’s use I knew this is not something I can just ignore so I did some research. The problem turned out to be pretty common, this post shows plastic adapters user bwhill designed to adjust the IPD to specified value. But he’s only selling 3D-printed products not sharing or selling the blueprint and it’s too much of a wait to ship to china. So I penned a few lines and plugged in my heat knife, it’s not pretty but it had the job done.
Time offset for particle instance animation in Maya
因为instancer只是把你加入列表里的虫子模型调整位置显示,无法直接偏移时间,所以思路是copy多个虫子,逐个调整时间后把它们随机附着在粒子上。 Continue reading
把Kinect扫描的点云数据导入Maya | Import Kinect point cloud to Maya
I used Skanect to scan my room down. The .ply file generated is like this:
0.614557 -0.0194625 -0.305274 -0.127814 -0.551592 0.824263 100 113 96
0.614418 -0.019946 -0.305417 -0.127814 -0.551592 0.824263 98 111 96
0.61429 0.00103368 -0.303381 0.0386538 -0.603242 0.796621 104 107 95
Use Kinect LiDAR for camera matchmoving in PFTrack | 用Kinect的激光测距来帮助PFTrack的摄影机反求
So yea I got the idea becaues I wanted to deploy some close-up shots in my small project, but close-ups are always a pain to matchmove according to my experience. We know that this device’s resolution is quite limited, so does it work?
Couldn’t find anybody done the same thing using this low cost toy on Internet, or at least they didn’t post it. So here you go, the result turns out neat and I’m really happy with it. Notice at the end of the clip, the shot is pretty close and it worked fine. Video:
For River (Ruby Edition)For River (Ruby Edition)
Finally have a multi-language plugin installed, which Can’t be run without a fancy switching button. I photoshopped an old school pink neon sign, with color picked from Drive =D 多语言达成!所以没有一个漂亮的切换图标怎么行?做了一个old school的粉色霓虹灯, 色彩取的 Drive 上的=D Continue reading
Use a simple script to achieve powder pile | Maya nParticle简单脚本实现粒子堆叠
Geotrack test footage 20120822_headcrab
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感觉对于模糊一下再偏点位置造的假影子来说.. 这个效果令人过于满意了。
技术前期又完成一个,还有我看看.. 58个events? ಠ_ಠ