器材: 普通平底锅, 木质铲子, 菜夹子..
原料: 略微腌制的Filet牛排 (以下简称单元) (大误..), 厚度目测薄处1cm 厚处1.2~1.3cm, 两块, 分两次记录数据
黑椒蘑菇汁, 总统牌黄油
目的: 对加热时间与熟度关系的数据记录
预备: 色拉油(橄榄油已耗尽..)抹锅底防止粘锅, 黄油10克每份共两份,
条件: 煎肉油温一直保持130度
放入牛排, 加热20秒翻面, 目的是锁住肉汁.
继续加热20秒, 放入一份黄油, 牛排盖住黄油加速融化.
黄油融化后加热40秒, 其间保持一定频率的搅动, 使牛排始终能与黄油有充分的接触 (否则会焦..)
翻面加热20秒取出, 放入黑椒汁与肉汁搅动加热, 温度100度, 达到温度后立即取出浇上去防止水分流失
牛排情况: 切面两边靠边部分褐色, 中间为深桃红, 引用wiki百科(Steak)
Raw — Uncooked. Used in dishes like steak tartare, Carpaccio, gored gored, tiger meat and kitfo.
Seared, Blue rare or very rare — Cooked very quickly; the outside is seared, but the inside is usually cool and barely cooked. The steak will be red on the inside and barely warmed. Sometimes asked for as “blood rare” or “bloody as hell”. In the United States, this is also sometimes referred to as ‘Black and Blue’ or ‘Pittsburgh Rare’. It is common for chefs to place the steak in an oven to warm the inside of the steak. This method generally means ‘blue’ steaks take longer to cook than any other degrees.
Rare — (52 °C [125 °F] core temperature) The outside is gray-brown, and the middle of the steak is red and slightly warm.
Medium rare — (55 °C [130 °F] core temperature) The steak will have a fully red, warm center. This is the standard degree of cooking at most steakhouses, unless specified otherwise.
Medium — (60 °C [140 °F] core temperature) The middle of the steak is hot and red with pink surrounding the center. The outside is gray-brown.
Medium well done — (65 °C [150 °F] core temperature) The meat is light pink surrounding the center.
Well done — (71 °C [160 °F] and above core temperature) The meat is gray-brown throughout and slightly charred.
Overcook — (much more than 71 °C [160 °F] core temperature) The meat is dark throughout and slightly bitter.
无法准确判定, 可能是牛排太薄的原因. 不准确判定牛排薄处为3分熟(Medium rare), 厚处低于3分熟, 因为牛排太薄所以厚薄处差距较大.
厚处嚼不动又将剩下部分放进锅里加热, 40秒后翻面加热20秒, 判定为5分熟(Medium)左右. (手机没电了缺乏图片记录并且我也忘了可以留点样品下来抱歉.. 全吃了)
放入牛排加热20秒翻面加热20秒, 放黄油 (与第一次相同)
加热70秒翻面, 发现边上微焦并且翘起, 推测是中心比两边温度高引起的变形, 也有可能牛排不够厚没法稳住, 解决方法猜测 1. 用厚点的牛排试试 2. 用刀划一些网格阻断表面拉力的传播
牛排情况: 大概七分熟(Medium Well down)或略低, 薄处接近全熟(Well down), 感觉还是”因为牛排太薄所以厚薄处差距较大”
太薄了不行, 下次买3cm的试试, 我看youtube人家弄都有一块Filet简直就是长方体的.. 口感来说3分到7分都不错, 太熟完全不好吃..再往下嚼不动了